Village In The Woods

This is my Latest and final university project, a stylized environment drawing inspiration from both God of War, specifiaclly the cabin at the start,

and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild. The main visual style coming from Zelda and the building inspiration from the cabin mentioned earlier.
This project was created using Maya for modelling, Substance Painter for texturing, Zbrush for stylized texturing and Unreal Engine 5.3 for rendering.

In Addition to models I created : the cabins, carts, bridge, dock, stored wooden logs, interior shelving, bed area, fire pit stones and wooden supports.

The foliage, trees, landcsape materials, fences and scatterable assets were obtained through free packs to save time and focus on the composition of the scene.

Shown here is a final render of the scene featuring 3 cabins built around a small lake connected to a river.

Alternate shot taken from the doorway of a side cabin

Portfolio video

Here is an Ambient Occlusion close up of 2 of the cabins to show some of the wooden details

Village In The Woods: The future of the project

This project is open ended and i intend to return to it and grow it both into something completely made of self -made assets and a make it more complete now that i have much more time than 1 university term. The project you see in its current state is good and i am happy with it, but it still has room to grow. I plan to pick it apart and use the best bits as a starting point for a higher quality project that will in time become a functioning game level that will be an oppertunity make something i can show off.